Welcome for AIM-ICDK Water Challenge

Last date to apply: 25th January 2021
Today, 1.1 billion people worldwide live in poverty without access to safe drinking water. Water-related diseases are among the most common causes of illness, affecting the majority in developing countries. Also on another end with increasing urbanization we find more and more untreated water being dumped into natural water sources and unsustainable agricultural practices. There is a dire need of creating innovative and frugal products and processes which can help us mitigate these challenges.

About the Challenge

With that idea, Atal Innovation Mission, NITI Aayog (AIM-NITI Aayog) has partnered with Innovation Center Denmark (ICDK), Denmark Embassy in India and the Denmark Technical University (DTU) to launch AIM-ICDK Water innovation challenge in below mentioned areas:
  1. Digital water management solutions
  2. Solutions for monitoring and prevention of leakage in city water supply
  3. Wastewater management across Rural/Agri belts and Urban settlements
  4. Rainwater harvesting in Rural and urban settlements
  5. Safe and sustained drinking water
The initiative aims to identify Innovative & next-gen solutions to solve proposed challenges in collaboration with corporate and public partners. The initiative will engage young talent from leading universities and innovation hubs across the nation to build their skills and apply their technical disciplines and innovation capacity to come up with technology driven innovative solutions for effective water management in India. The winners of the challenges shall be a part of the Indian team for the Next Generation Water Action.

Support for the Innovators

These challenges will identify two young student teams and two startups from India working on technologies that can address water challenges in our country. The chosen teams will get access to innovation hubs across India and Denmark for helping them launch their initiative and ensure their impact for a better future.The selected solutions shall also leverage upon the Danish technical expertise and rich experience in this sector and benefit from this bi-lateral collaboration. The water challenges linked to the 5 defined themes will be developed and presented with selected industries and organisations to provide a scoping and valuable basis for students and young entrepreneurs to develop relevant insights and ideas. Student teams and young entrepreneurs will work during the development phase (Feb - May) with the help of (among others) Danish industry professionals to identify pioneering solutions to the defined water challenges. Groups will, together with global peers, further develop and present their results as part of the Next Generation Water Action.


For application details please refer to the application guidelines Click Here
Please see Youtube link of the launch event Click Here
For detail on challenges please see our recorded YouTube live at Click Here
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